Non-Rev Lounge

#193 Diana the Traveling Nurse

Season 2 Episode 193

Our guest Diana is a full-time nurse and a part-time ramp worker.  She is Tyler's coworker and used to be Katie’s (Tyler's Wife) co-worker and definitely she prefers Katie.  🤣
She talked about her love for traveling and said she would do the airline job for free if it meant she got her flight benefits!! 

  • Diana is just the cutest ramper Lara has ever seen!
  • Two jobs! Nurse at the Children’s Hospital and a ramper! 
  • Main line transfer! But no vacay baby 🏖️
  • Loving those flight benefits!
  • Not every beautiful woman on the ramp is gay! 
  • Loves traveling, the cultures, the people…
  • There’s ⚖️ between two jobs!
  • Travel groups are the way to go!! Make decisions for you!
  • Group tours need a debrief session!
  • Kenya! 🇰🇪 
  • Tents in the savanna!
  • International trips: Bali, Cape Town!
  • Swimming with 🦈
  • Do local tours so you get told what’s really happening!
  • Spontaneity is the key 🔑 for all of us non revs!!
  • Where to next?? 
  • Prague and Zurich solo! 
  • Don’t book your hotel until inflight! 
  • Jordan 🇯🇴 and Petra! 
  • Punked a friend story!
  • This girl has traveled 🙌

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